
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Making Music Work cover

Making Music Work: Sustainable Portfolio Careers for Australian Musicians

The study explored the conditions and strategies needed for Australian musicians to sustain successful portfolio careers. The vast majority of Australian musicians’ careers encompass a variety of concurrent and often impermanent roles.


WA Hiking Strategy: Bushwalking and trail running in Western Australia 2020-2030

The WA Hiking Strategy is the first of its kind in the country and will assist Western Australia to develop safe and sustainable hiking experiences.

Audience Outlook Monitor

Audience Outlook Monitor: Phase One May 2020 β€” National and WA Snapshot

How national and Western Australian audiences felt in May 2020 about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Impact assessment

Impact assessment

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Resource review

Resource review

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Risk assessment

Risk assessment

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Organisational priorities

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Recovery plan

Recovery plan

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Scenario mapping

Scenario mapping

Recovery framework for sport and recreation

Volunteer Management Guide cover

Volunteer Management Guide

A guide to better recruiting, retaining and managing volunteers within sport and recreation organisations.

Passport into schools

Passport into schools β€” linking sports with schools

The guide is primarily for sport development officers.

Infographic regarding data collected by organisations using Culture Counts.

Evaluation snapshot: culture and the arts 2016-19

The Culture Counts summary aggregates the data collected by organisations over a four year period and provides benchmark comparisons for organisations in WA.

WA Creative Industries: An Economic Snapshot

WA Creative Industries: An Economic Snapshot, 2019

Information on the current economic situation for creative industries in Western Australia. Includes data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census 2016 and Labour Force Survey.

Statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 and Dog Amendment Act 2013

Statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 and Dog Amendment Act 2013

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the department) has completed a statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 (Cat Act) and the Dog Amendment Act 2013 (Dog Amendment Act).

Arts and Culture Monitor 2019 β€” Survey Report

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Arts Monitor 2019

Arts and Culture Monitor 2019 β€” Fact sheet

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023