Advertised liquor licence applications

The department is responsible for determining applications and other matters relating to liquor licensing under the auspices of the Director of Liquor Licensing who performs statutory functions and exercises statutory powers as prescribed by the Act.

Certain applications received under the Liquor Control Act 1988 are required to be advertised for a specified period, allowing for the public to obtain more details about the application or the objection process.

Applications that are listed are currently within their advertising period.

Vasse Village by Bunbury Farmers Market, Vasse

Halls Head Bowling & Recreation Club Inc, Erskine

Nicholson Cellars, Canning Vale

JAGGA DAKU, Leederville

Gingin Cellars, Gingin

There are 5 advertised applications.

Submissions in support or against an application

Pursuant to section 72A of the Act, a person may make a submission in support of, or, in opposition to an application.  Whilst the Director will consider any submissions when determining the application, a party lodging a submission does not become a party to proceedings.  A copy of the submission will not be provided to the applicant.


Pursuant to section 73 of the Act, a person may lodge an objection to an advertised application by the date as specified on the advertisement.  The objection must be lodged on the approved  form.  A person lodging an objection becomes a party to proceedings and a copy of the objection will be provided to the applicant. The burden of establishing the validity of any objection lies on the objector.


Licensing processes

Graphic process diagrams of the licensing application process.

Page reviewed 10 April 2024