A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.
Information on the current economic situation for creative industries in Western Australia. Includes data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census 2016 and Labour Force Survey.
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (the department) has completed a statutory review of the Cat Act 2011 (Cat Act) and the Dog Amendment Act 2013 (Dog Amendment Act).
For the year ended 30 June 2019.
The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.
December 2018
Local Government Operational Guidelines
The State Sporting Infrastructure Plan has been developed by the department to serve as forward planning for the provision of infrastructure to service State, National and International level sporting competition.
The strategy will be implemented on a 12 month trial basis and reviewed by the commission upon receipt of sufficient data to determine the degree to which the strategy has been effective in curbing dangerous weight cutting behaviours.
A guide for riders
Information for local governments regarding management of off-road vehicles
A guide for retailers
Authorised Inquiry under Part 8 Division 1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (WA)
These procedures detail how the department responds to complaints and complements the department’s Complaint Management Policy.
This policy enables the department to effectively manage complaints
How climate change could affect sport and recreation now and in the future.
This position statement is to delineate the responsibility of the signing of contestant wraps and gloves at Combat Sports Commission (the Commission) sanctioned events.
This guideline is designed to assist local governments respond to nuisance barking complaints within their districts.
For local government officers to support effective decision making in council and committee meetings.