Outdoor active recreation

More people, more active outdoors.

Outdoor active recreation makes a huge contribution to the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities in Western Australia. Every day, Western Australians enjoy our State's unique outdoor lifestyle — whether walking, riding, exploring, exercising, paddling or engaging in a range of outdoor adventures activities.

In 2019, DLGSC conducted an extensive consultation process with a range of government, commercial and recreation sector stakeholders to develop a framework for outdoor recreation in Western Australia: More People More Active Outdoors. This framework guides local and regional outdoor recreation planning to maximise the benefits for all Western Australians.

DLGSC has since engaged with the Western Australian recreation sector through a series of workshops across state-wide locations. Engaging with key stakeholders at state and local government, recreation industry organisations, service providers, clubs and participation groups, is essential to determine the best strategies to support and enhance the sector.

To drive the More People More Active Outdoors framework, DLGSC is committed to delivering outcomes that have been condensed into the following four key areas:


  • cross government
  • strategic development
  • sector engagement
  • cross jurisdictional
  • research.


  • organisational development
  • governance education and development
  • planning and operations framework.


  • organisations
  • events
  • participation
  • research.


  • Australian Adventure Activity Standards
  • safety/risk training and development
  • director development
  • industry staff development.

The Recreation Team can be contacted at recreation@dlgsc.wa.gov.au




Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
246 Vincent Street, Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 8349, Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Email recreation@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Page reviewed 16 July 2024