Rugby league

These guidelines cover the official markings and dimensions of the playing surface for NRL competition matches.

Dimensions of the playing field

The playing field is 68m wide and 100m long from goal line to goal line. The in‑­goals areas measure 68m x 8m.

The touch lines are in touch, the touch in‑­goal lines are touch in‑­goal, the goal lines are in the in‑­goal area and the dead ball line is beyond in‑­goal.

The goals posts are 16m high and 5.5m apart. It is recommended that the bottom two metres of each upright be padded.


All lines on the field are 15cm wide unless otherwise stated. The arrows on the 10-20-30 and 40m marks face the nearest tryline only. The 50m mark does not have an arrow.

Line markings

An unbroken red line marks the two 40m lines. The following unbroken lines are white and 15cm wide:

  • 10m, 20m and 30m lines.
  • Halfway line.
  • Try line.
  • Dead ball line.
  • Touch line.

The broken lines consist of marks or dots on the ground not more than 2m apart. All transverse lines are marked across the full width of the field.

Distance markings

The marks at the 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m and 50m  are lines white in colour with a red outline and 2m high.

Media line

There is a media restraining line marked on either side of the field, 1.5m from the touch line. The line is 10cm wide and red in colour.

Scrum lines

Scrum lines are marked at both 10m and 20m in from touch line. These are to be 10cm in width and white in colour.

rugby league field dimensions

Mini footy

Mini footy is for all ages up to and including 8 years, with an option for 9 years if justifiable conditions exist. rugby league mini footy field dimensions

Playing field

Overall dimensions

For 6, 7 and 8 years, the field measures 68m (width of regulation size field) by 30m (from 10m line to 40m line) of regulation field. At nine years, the field may be enlarged to measure 68m x 40m. 

The halfway line is part of the line stretching between the centres of the goal lines of the regulation field and across the mini field. The quarter way is the line stretching from side to side of the mini field 20m from the touch line of the adult field, ie the 20m scrum line. The 10m and 5m lines are judged by the referee.

The touch in‑­goal line is 8m from the goal line (ie touch line of adult field).

Goal posts

The posts and crossbar are made of 50mm diameter PVC tubing. The crossbar measures 2m from the playing surface and 1.5m from the crossbar to the top of the goals. The crossbars are 3m wide between the goal posts.

Mod league

rugby-league mod league fieldMod League is a game of rugby league for 10‑­12 years (inclusive) with an option for 9 years if justifiable conditions exists.

Playing field

Overall dimensions

The playing field is 80m long and 48m wide. The boundaries are the 10m touch lines and goal lines from the regulation field. Halfway is the halfway as marked on a regulation field.

The in‑­goal is the area between the regulation field goal line and the line 10m from, and in front of, it.

The touch in‑­goal lines are the portions of the two lines 10m from the regulation field’s touch lines. 
The goalposts are part of the dead ball line.


Rugby League Laws Of The Game. International Level with Notes On The Laws and NRL Telstra Premiership Interpretations (Approved by The Australian Rugby League Commission) Official February 2016, 2016 Edition.

Rugby League Laws of Mini Footy & Mod League. Twenty Ninth Edition 2015. Corcoran, Peter D. Corcoran OAM.

Sports association details


John Sackson
General Manager
70 Bannister Rd, Canning Vale WA 6155
Telephone 61 8 6159 4201
Facebook warugbyleague


The information in this guide is general in nature and cannot be relied upon as professional advice concerning the design of, or marking out for, sporting facilities and playing areas. No assurance is given as to the accuracy of any information contained in this guide and readers should not rely on its accuracy. Readers should obtain their own independent and professional advice in relation to their proposed sporting activity.

Page reviewed 14 June 2021