Sport and recreation advisors

The department builds partnerships with organisations that deliver sport and recreation to achieve the mission of increasing the number of Western Australians who participate in sport and recreation.

We do so with the aim of enhancing the:

  • delivery of a variety of activities that appeal to the Western Australian community and thus provide the opportunity and context in which Western Australians are active
  • capacity of these organisations to provide a welcoming and safe environment in which to participate and achieve excellence for all Western Australians
  • capacity and strength of the community in Western Australia through the vehicle of sport and recreation.  

The department has 3 key reasons to invest time and funds in these organisations:

  1. To foster an effective management and governance capacity to enable these organisations to deliver sport and recreation in a safe, effective and sustainable manner.
  2. To increase the capacity of these organisations to attract participants and deliver a high quality activity to more Western Australians.
  3. To support these organisations to deliver a diverse social policy agenda that is important to the State Government’s goals.  

Our focus is to systematically support improved governance and management within the sport and recreation sector in the belief that better governed and managed organisations will enable better outcomes to be achieved in a longer term sustainable manner.


Jacqui Jashari

A/Director Sport Development and Engagement
Telephone 61 8 9492 9760

Jacqui Jashari is the sport advisor for Western Australian Cricket Association, West Australian Football Commission, Football West Limited, SportWest, Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS) and Australian Sports Commission.

Cameron Agnew

Manager Sport Business — Engagement
Sport Business
Telephone 61 8 9492 9725

Cameron Agnew is the sport advisor for ARLC WA Limited (Rugby League), AUSactive, Australian Olympic Council, Baseball WA Ltd, Commonwealth Games WA Division, Federation Sport Bocce of WA Inc, Kiteboarding Western Australia Incorporated, Marching WA, Netball WA Inc, Paralympics Australia, Rebound WA, Rowing WA, Softball Western Australia, Surf Life Saving Western Australia, Tenpin Bowling Association of Western Australia Inc, Touch Football Australia Incorporated, Triathlon WA, WA Hockey Association Inc, WA Rugby Union and WA Squash.

Glenn Morley

Manager Recreation
Telephone 61 8 9492 9739

Glenn Morley is the advisor to Nature Play, Outdoors WA, Parks and Leisure Australia, Seniors Recreation Council, Trails WA and Westcycle,

Angele Gray

A/Manager Sport Business — Development 
Sport Business 
Telephone 61 8 9492 9622

Angele Gray is the sport advisor for Swimming WA, Artistic Swimming WA, Australian Sailing Limited/Yachting Western Australia Inc, Darts Western Australia Incorporated, Floorball Association of Western Australia, Gymnastics Western Australia Inc, Masters Swimming Western Australia, Royal Life Saving Society of WA, Tennis West, WA Basketball Federation, WA Council of the Australian Power Boat Association, WA Diving Association Inc, WA Volleyball Association Inc, WA Water Ski Association Inc and WA Waveski Association Inc. 

Sue Thompson

A/Senior Project Manager — Sport Business Engagement
Sport Business
Telephone 61 8 9492 9612

Sue Thompson is the sport advisor for Australian Parachute Federation Ltd, Croquet West, Curling WA Inc, Equestrian Western Australia Inc, Golf Western Australia, Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association of Western Australia Inc, Horsepower Australia, Lacrosse WA Inc, Polocrosse Association of Western Australia, Pony Club Western Australia Incorporated, Surfing WA, Table Tennis Western Australia Inc, WA Gliding Association Inc, WA Ice Hockey Association Inc, WA Ice Racing, WA Ice Skating Association Inc, WA Polo Association Inc, WA Waterpolo Inc and WA Speedway Commission. 

Brett Rogers

Senior Project Officer, Sport Business — Engagement
Sport Business
Telephone 61 8 9492 9747

Brett Rogers is the sport advisor for Australian Karate Federation WA Inc, Australian Taekwondo Western Australia Inc, Badminton Association of Western Australia Inc, Boxing WA Inc, Gaelic Athletic Association of WA Inc, Gridiron West Inc, Handball West, Judo Western Australia Inc, Karting WA Inc, Kung Fu Wushu Western Australia, Motorcycling Australia WA Inc, Motorsport Australia, Paddle Western Australia, Rollersports Association of WA Inc, Sport Climbing Inc, Weightlifting Western Australia Inc and Wrestling Western Australia. 

Brad Denham

Senior Project Officer, Sport Business — Engagement
Sport Business
Telephone 61 8 9492 9769

Brad Denham is the sport advisor for Archery Western Australia, Athletics West, Australian Bowhunters Association Inc, Billiards & Snooker Association of WA Inc, Bowls WA, Calisthenics Association of WA Inc, Dancesport Australia Ltd, Deaf Sport Australia, Dragon Boating WA Inc, International Practical Shooting Confederation WA Inc, Orienteering Association of Western Australia, Sporting Clays Western Australia Inc, Sporting Shooters Association of Australia WA Inc, WA Clay target Association, WA Eight Ball Federation Inc, WA Flying Disc Association, WA Pistol Association Inc, WA Rifle Association Inc, WA Rogaining Association Inc and WA Small Bore Rifle Association Inc. 

Aaron Morse

Manager Community Engagement
Community Engagement
Telephone 61 8 9492 9758

Aaron Morse is the advisor for Binar Sports, Inclusion Solutions, Koya, Special Olympics, Stephan Michael Foundation and WA Disabled Sports Association.

Natasha Hanham

Senior Project Officer, Recreation
Telephone 61 9492 9983
Natasha Hanham is the advisor to Climbers WA, Australian Trail Horse Rider’s Association and Recreation Trail Bike Rider’s Association.

Emma Draper

Senior Project Officer, Recreation
Telephone 0429 881 369

Emma Draper is the advisor to HikeWest, Recfishwest and WA 4 Wheel Driver’s Association.
Page reviewed 30 July 2024