Billabong day area

The Billabong day area can accommodate up to 100 day visitors.

General information

Seating and barbecues 

Heavy duty picnic tables, a gazebo that can seat approximately 25 people and a built-in gas barbecue are available. Numerous lights and power points are located in the area.

Camp fires 

Camp fires are allowed in the designated camp fire areas onsite. Please check with management regarding current fire restrictions.


Swimming may be permitted in the Bickley Reservoir for groups who book the camp site area. Please check with Bickley management regarding swimming availability.


A 431l fridge/freezer is available for your use.


The area has an ablution block with showers, toilets and wash basins for males and females. A double sink is located outside the ablution block.

Photo gallery


Prices are tiered for school groups, not-for-profit community groups and corporate groups.

Pricing for school groups
 Per person charge$4
 Minimum daily charge$130

All day visitors are charged $4 per person per day. These rates apply to school camps and may be subject to change without notice. The rates charged are those current at the time of occupancy not at the time of booking and are inclusive of GST.

Pricing for community groups
 Per person charge$5
 Minimum daily charge   $180

All day visitors are charged $5 per person per day. These rates apply to not-for-profit community groups and may be subject to change without notice. The rates charged are those current at the time of occupancy not at the time of booking and are inclusive of GST.

Pricing for corporate groups
 Per person charge$6.50
 Minimum daily charge   $360

All day visitors are charged $6.50 per person per day. These rates apply to corporate groups and may be subject to change without notice. The rates charged are those current at the time of occupancy not at the time of booking and are inclusive of GST.

More information

Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp

Whadjuk Noongar Country
Hardinge Road Orange Grove WA 6109
Telephone 61 8 9492 9781
Telephone 0429 115 723 (emergency and urgent matters only)

Camp Bookings Office

Whadjuk Noongar Country
246 Vincent Street Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 8349
Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Telephone 61 8 9492 9999
Page reviewed 11 March 2022