North West Travel Subsidy guidelines


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About the program

The North West Travel Subsidy (NWTS) aims to encourage participation in identified sport and active recreation activities for athletes living in the regions of the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne and other remote locations within the Mid West and Goldfields regions.

Regions are eligible for travel assistance

  • Kimberley
  • Pilbara
  • Gascoyne
  • remote locations within the Mid West and Goldfields regions.

Primary objective

The scheme offers financial assistance to not-for-profit sport and active recreation organisations to help offset the costs of travel to inter-regional competitions and events.

Funding may be used for

  • regular competitions recognised by a State Sporting Associations (SSA)
  • travel to training and development camps
  • representative fixtures (excluding state and national) and carnivals
  • inter-town journeys over 500 km return.

Applicants must comply with all requirements as listed above to be eligible for assistance.

Funding may not be used for

  • School sport activities and travel to State and national events.

Who can apply

  • not-for-profit community organisations involved in the conduct of sport or active recreation
  • applications must be made by an organisation for either individual or team funding
  • applicants must reside within a designated region
  • eligibility is limited to athletes aged 13 to 18 years* who reside within recognised regions for this scheme and represent their sport or active recreation club or association. 

*In certain circumstances, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) may consider athletes outside of this age-band on a case-by-case basis.

Eligibility requirements

  • be an incorporated not-for-profit organisation either under the Western Australian Associations Incorporation Act (2015) or Commonwealth Corporations Act (2001) with an Australian Business Number (ABN), or Indigenous organisation under the Commonwealth Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act (2006)
  • where appropriate, affiliated with a SSA/industry peak body
  • have acquitted all previous DLGSC grants prior to the application being submitted unless the grant is still current
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN).

Who cannot apply

  • individuals, groups of individuals
  • State Government departments and agencies
  • educational institutions including schools, universities and TAFE colleges
  • commercial businesses.

Level of funding available

Funding is available based on two support schemes:

  1. individual
  2. team funding.

Team funding can be accessed when four or more athletes who meet the eligibility criteria from the one sport are travelling to the same event or championship.

1. Individual funding support

Where athletes who meet the eligibility criteria are travelling to an event or championship in Perth, the following individual funding support will be provided:

  • Individual (Gascoyne to Perth): Up to $600 per person
  • Individual (Kimberley to Perth): Up to $800 per person
  • Individual (other regional remote locations): Up to $600 per person
  • Individual (Pilbara to Perth): Up to $700 per person
Where athletes who meet the eligibility criteria are travelling to an inter-regional event or championship, the following individual funding support will be provided:
  • Individual (Gascoyne inter-regional): Up to $600 per person
  • Individual (Kimberley inter-regional): Up to $600 per person
  • Individual (other regional remote locations): Up to $600 per person
  • Individual (Pilbara inter-regional): Up to $600 per person

2. Team funding support

If four or more athletes who meet the eligibility criteria are travelling to the same event or championship in Perth, the following team funding support will be provided:

  • Team (Gascoyne to Perth): Up to $2000 per sport
  • Team (Kimberley to Perth): Up to $2500 per sport
  • Team (other regional remote locations): Up to $2000 per sport
  • Team (Pilbara to Perth): Up to $2300 per sport

If four or more athletes who meet the eligibility criteria are travelling to the same inter regional event or championship, the following team funding support will be provided:

  • Team (other regional remote locations): Up to $2000 per sport
  • Team (Kimberley inter-regional): Up to $2000 per sport
  • Team (Pilbara inter-regional): Up to $2000 per sport
  • Team (Gascoyne inter-regional): Up to $2000 per sport

How to apply

  1. read the guidelines
  2. contact the local DLGSC regional office to discuss suitability for this grant
  3. complete the application form and submit to the DLGSC regional office in which the applicant body is located
  4. applications are accepted throughout the year and must be lodged eight weeks prior to the project or event start date. All supporting documentation is required with each application
  5. organisations can only apply once per financial year
  6. notification of application outcome occurs within eight weeks of DLGSC receiving your final application.

When to apply

Applications are open all year.

Assessment and notification

An assessment will be made to determine if the application is eligible by assessing it against the grant criteria. If approved, a grant agreement will be entered into which outlines the grant conditions and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the applicant body (organisation or association). No grant monies will be paid directly to an individual. The applicant body will be responsible for the acquittal of the grant and will be responsible to forward any approved funding to individuals as deemed necessary.

At the completion of the project, the applicant body will need to complete the acquittal documentation, acquittal statement and key results schedule, within 30 days and forward to DLGSC to demonstrate that the funds have been spent in accordance with the outlined grant agreement. Failure to comply with these requirements may jeopardise future funding from DLGSC.

GST registeration

  • If your organisation has an ABN and is registered for GST, the grant will be grossed up by 10% of the grant amount.
  • If your organisation has an ABN and is not registered for GST, no GST will be allocated to your grant.

Freedom of information

  • DLGSC will adhere to the provisions of the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act (1992) in relation to requests for information originating from DLGSC.
  • Information not originating from DLGSC but provided to DLGSC, will not be released without prior consultation with or permission by the relevant organisation.


  • All information provided to DLGSC during the grant assessment process will be stored on a database that will only be accessed by authorised departmental personnel.
  • The database is subject to privacy restrictions in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1998) and the Freedom of Information Act (1992).

DLGSC acknowledgement

  • Successful organisations will be required to acknowledge DLGSC and further details will be provided to successful applicants.

Further information

To discuss your event, competition or sport development opportunity or to obtain assistance to complete your application, please contact your regional office.

Gascoyne office

Gwoonwardu / Carnarvon
Yinggarda Country
15 Stuart Street, Carnarvon WA 6701
PO Box 135, Geraldton WA 6531
Telephone 61 8 9941 0900
Telephone 0437 664 710

Goldfields office

Karlkurla / Kalgoorlie
Suite 1, 349-353 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie WA 6430
PO Box 1036, Kalgoorlie WA 6430
Telephone 61 8 9022 5800

Kimberley office

Rubibi / Broome
Yawuru Country
Unit 2A, 23 Coghlan Street, Broome WA 6725
PO Box 1476, Broome WA 6725
Telephone 61 8 9195 5749

Kimberley office

Goonoonoorrang / Kununurra
Miriwoong Country
PCYC Kununurra – Ron Hodnett Drive, Kununurra WA 6743
PO Box 534, Kununurra WA 6743
Telephone 0499 480 690

Mid West office

Jambinu / Geraldton
Yamatji Country
Level 1, 268-270 Foreshore Drive, Geraldton WA 6530
PO Box 135, Geraldton WA 6531
Telephone 61 8 9956 2100

Pilbara office

Ngarluma Country
Karratha Leisureplex, Dampier Highway, Karratha WA 6714
PO Box 941, Karratha WA 6714
Telephone 61 8 9182 2100
Page reviewed 31 July 2023