Public Regional Galleries Improvement Fund

The program aims to improve access to high-quality arts and cultural experiences for regional audiences, and increase the capacity of public galleries to receive touring exhibitions.

Government of Western Australia crest with department names


Your application must align with the primary objective and the supporting objectives.

Primary objective

  • To support improvements to the quality of public art gallery infrastructure in regional WA.

Supporting objectives

  • Contribute to the long-term sustainability of public art galleries in regional WA.
  • Engage new audiences and contribute to the liveability and vibrancy of regional communities.
  • Improve the capacity of public art galleries in regional WA to receive touring or loaned art works requiring controlled environmental and security conditions, such as the State Art Collection.


Category Objectives Amount
Minor upgrades and support

Funding for projects or procurement of equipment with minimal supply and installation requirements.
Eligible applicants can apply for between $5000 and $25,000
Major upgrades and support

Funding for projects or procurement of technical equipment items requiring more complex alteration to existing venue infrastructure or systems.

Eligible applicants can apply for between $25,001 to $100,000

Who can apply

Public regional art galleries located in regional Western Australia that:

  • are operated, owned or leased by a regional local government or not-for-profit organisation with a non-statutory base
  • either own or have a lease on an eligible gallery for at least 10 years from the date of the Public Regional Gallery Improvement Fund (PRGIF) funding application
  • have a space within the facility devoted to the exhibition of works of art and available to the public
  • have the capacity to engage with audiences and host activity in the space(s)
  • in the case of multi-purpose or co-located facilities, demonstrate that the upgrades are intended to support delivery of visual arts activity
  • deliver an annual program of visual arts exhibitions and associated public programs and events.

Note: While public galleries do not need to be currently involved in receiving touring exhibitions, those participating in exhibition touring in regional WA will be prioritised.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning Category
April 2024 9:00am 23 April 2024 4:00pm 16 May 2024 4:00pm 30 May 2024 1 September 2024
  • Major upgrades and support
  • Minor upgrades and support

Funding overview

Funding closed

Who can apply

Amount available

  • Minor upgrades and support: Eligible applicants can apply for between $5000 and $25,000
  • Major upgrades and support: Eligible applicants can apply for between $25,001 to $100,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Public Regional Galleries Improvement Fund Guidelines
Page reviewed 15 April 2024