Creativity for Schools

This program partners schools and creatives to embed creativity into students' learning and understanding across curriculum areas.

The Creativity for Schools Program offers funding to support creative learning projects and the development of creative learning practices in schools. The program invites schools to partner with Western Australian creatives to connect and learn about creative processes. 

Creative learning encourages the use of insight, imagination, intuition, connection, questioning, immersive practice, reflection, process driven practice, design, research, fieldwork and observation.  

The two program categories, Collaboration and Residency, support activities utilising arts-based practice to engage students in their learning beyond arts curriculum areas. These activities do not replace the learning in The Arts curriculum subject areas.  

Projects will support access, participation and overall engagement for students (K to 12) and develop educators’ capacity to use creative pedagogy through professional learning with creative practitioners. 

The funded project should be designed as a series of transformative creative learning experiences that is inclusive of multiple curriculum areas and demonstrates deep learning through creativity.  


The Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) recognises that the following five (5) program objectives are interdependent.

Primary objective

  • Enhance students’ and educators’ creative learning capabilities to increase engagement and support success across Western Australian curriculum areas and beyond.

Supporting objectives

  • Build the pedagogical and partnership capacities of arts organisations, creative practitioners, education leaders and teachers.
  • Foster creativity in schools by increasing access to, and participation in, arts, cultural and/or creative activities.
  • Improve the engagement of disadvantaged students in schools, particularly in low-socioeconomic, such as low Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) schools and/or in regional areas.
  • Enhance the health and wellbeing (for example mental, social, and/or physical) of students.

Applications must align with the primary objective and, where relevant, the supporting objectives.

Key program priorities

To increase the competitiveness of your application, it is recommended that your activity demonstrates alignment to four (4) or more of the key program priorities. 

  • low socioeconomic index and geographically disadvantaged schools
  • programs exposing students’ to enriching arts experiences instilling curiosity, creativity, imagination and empathy
  • programs engaging with students’ and their educators in school years K–12
  • programs that demonstrate cross curriculum links beyond the arts
  • programs that incorporate element/s of co-design with schools ensuring student and educator agency
  • programs that incorporate creative learning capacity building for creative practitioners
  • programs that incorporate creative learning capacity building for education leaders and/or teachers
  • programs that provide a legacy for school communities.



Grants of up to $20,000 for projects involving artists-in-residence in school environments, with the activity including approximately 25 days of engagement per school.


Open to all Western Australian Primary and Secondary Government and Non-Government Schools, including Catholic and Independent Schools, and creative practitioners.  


Grants of up to $60,000 for projects and/or programs designed to connect Western Australian arts organisations and creative practitioners with schools.


Open to Western Australian arts and culture organisations, independent practitioners, local government authorities, schools, not-for-profit community organisations and/or not-for-profit community services organisations. 

If you are unsure which category your project is best suited to please refer to the Activity Support Document or contact a Grants and Program Officer – or call 6552 7400.

Application Support Document

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning after Notification Category
April 2024 9:00am 23 April 2024 4:00pm 16 May 2024 4:00pm 30 May 2024 From 1 September 2024 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Residency
  • Collaboration
September 2024 9:00am 3 September 2024 4:00pm 26 September 2024 4:00pm 10 October 2024 From 15 January 2025 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date Collaboration
Opening in Term 4 To be confirmed To be advised To be confirmed To be confirmed Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date Residency

Creative Learning Partnerships Program

Creative Learning Partnerships Program

Funding overview

item.Fields.OpenDate: 9/3/2024 9:00:00 AM

Funding open

Who can apply

Amount available

  • Collaboration: Grants of up to $60,000
  • Residency: Grants of up to $20,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Creativity for Schools Collaboration guidelines Creativity for Schools Residency guidelines

Successful applications


Page reviewed 18 July 2024