Arts Organisations Investment Program

A competitive multiyear funding program to support Western Australia’s small to medium arts, cultural and creative sector organisations.

The Arts Organisations Investment Program (AOIP) aims to build strong Western Australian arts, cultural and creative sector organisations that support the vibrancy of our State and celebrates this internationally.

It invests in a portfolio of small to medium organisations that:

  • create and present high quality and the best of its type arts, cultural and creative experiences
  • create work that is original, innovative and authentic that respects cultural tradition, or promotes social awareness and cohesion
  • broaden and deepen community access and engagement in arts, cultural and creative experiences
  • reflects the diversity of the State through telling Western Australian stories
  • have strong connections with and presence in communities increasing the reach, depth and diversity of audience engagement
  • collaborate with others to create new sustainable ways of working together
  • leverage opportunities and funding from a range of sources and partners and develop and operate in a financially, environmentally and socially sustainable way.

The program invites applications every four years and consists of two categories with a minimum request of $100,000 per annum:

  • Producing and Presenting
  • Service.

Multi-year funding is an important function in supporting the sustainability of the small to medium arts, cultural and creative sector in Western Australia.

The next funding round will be the AOIP 2027 to 2031, which will open in early August 2026 for funding from 1 July 2027 for Financial Year based organisations and 1 January 2028 for Calendar Year based organisations. 

The Arts Organisations Investment Program 2023 to 2027 Outcomes

The Arts Organisations Investment Program 2023 to 2027 opened for applications in September 2022 for funding from 1 July 2023 for Financial Year based organisations and 1 January 2024 for Calendar Year based organisations. 63 eligible applications were received.

The applications were assessed by an external advisory panel made up of industry peers. The panel’s role was to provide recommendations to the Minister for Culture and the Arts on the cohort of organisations that best met the objectives of the program.

The AOIP 2023 to 2027 panel was:

  • June Moorhouse (Chair – no voting)
  • Aaron Beach
  • Annette Carmichael
  • Belinda Hermawan
  • Cassie Lynch
  • Drew Dymond
  • Evan Kennea
  • Jim Cathcart
  • Jude van der Merwe
  • Simone Flavelle

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries provided moderation advice to the Minister for Culture and the Arts taking into consideration a balance of Government policy objectives, artform, sector role, size, geographic spread and community reach.

For the Arts Organisations Investment Program 2023 to 2027, thirty seven Western Australian organisations will receive a total of $56 million in a record-breaking round of the program. Funding for AOIP is up from $10.5 million per annum to $14 million per annum and will span a four-year period.

In May, the Minister for Culture and the Arts announced the successful organisations in a media statement.

Funded organisations

To assist organisations funded as part of the AOIP, the department has developed a welcome presentation.
Page reviewed 23 August 2024