Mid West

The Mid West is a busy region when it comes to sport and recreation, it offers a diverse range of activities and is serviced by a dedicated sports administration centre.

Our Geraldton office services communities within the Mid West — a vibrant region for sport and recreation.

Sports in this region include hockey, football, cricket and netball. Recreational activities such as mountain biking, wind surfing and recreational fishing are also popular.


Regional stakeholders

The department works closely with a range of stakeholders in the Mid West region. These include local governments, the Mid West Development Commission, State Government agencies and not for profit organisations.

Local governments in the Mid West

Contact the Mid West office

Mid West office

Level 1, 268-270 Foreshore Drive, Geraldton WA 6530
PO Box 135, Geraldton WA 6531
Telephone 61 8 9956 2100

Mid West Staff

Craig Vinci
Regional Manager
Mid West and Gascoyne
Telephone 61 8 9956 2175
Mobile 0407 977 130
Email craig.vinci@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Bonnie Crook
Regional Officer
Mid West
Telephone 61 8 9956 2173
Mobile 0459 811 514
Email bonnie.crook@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Chrysan Payne
Regional Support Officer
Mid West and Gascoyne
Telephone 61 8 9956 2100
Email chrysan.payne@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Mid West Sportshouse

Within the Mid West Sportshouse there are development officers for various sports. These officers play an important role in developing and growing the sport within the region and work in close partnership with the department.


Telephone 61 8 9956 2180
Mobile 0408 945 880
Website www.atlas.asn.au 
Email atlas@sportshouse.net.au

Basketball WA

Dan Hunt
Regional Development Officer
Telephone 61 8 9956 2160
Mobile 0473 151 986
Website www.basketballwa.asn.au
Email Dan.Hunt@basketballwa.asn.au

Football West

Tanya Amazzini
Regional Lead and Community Participation Officer
Telephone 61 8 9956 2189
Mobile 0432 523 648
Website Football West
Email tanya.amazzini@sportshouse.net.au

Alison Cooper
Administration Mid West
Mobile 0432 623 648

Geraldton Sporting Aboriginal Corporation

Adrian Bartlett
Executive Officer
Telephone 61 8 9956 2172
Mobile 0417 980 513
Email mitchellstreet@gsac.org.au

Great Northern Football League

Joanne Starling
Football Operations Manager
Telephone 61 8 9956 2183
Mobile 0437 039 133
Website www.gnfl.com.au
Email gnfl@sportshouse.net.au

JK Foundation

Mick Quick
Program Coordinator
Mobile 0459 376 968
Website www.jkfoundation.org.au

Mid West Academy of Sport

Darren Winterbine
Executive Officer
Telephone 61 8 9956 2181
Mobile 0487 846 283
Website www.mwaswa.com.au
Email MWAS@sportshouse.net.au

Mid West Sports Federation

Telephone 61 8 9956 2178
Mobile 0447 829 735
Website www.mwsf.org.au
Email MWSF@sportshouse.net.au

Netball WA — Mid West Gascoyne

Janniel Harris
Midwest Gascoyne Membership Coordinator
Telephone 61 8 9956 2162
Mobile 0427 912 685
Website wa.netball.com.au
Email mw.membership@netballwa.com.au

Shooting Stars

Lauren Seelander
Mid West Regional Manager
Mobile 0407 748 316
Website shootingstars.com.au
Email lauren.seelander@shootingstars.org.au

Stephen Michael Foundation

Jay O'Brien
Program Coordinator Mid West
Mobile 0402 138 090
Website smfoundation.org.au

Email jay@smfoundation.org.au

Ryan Baumgarten
Program Officer


WA Cricket

Tia Hatch
Regional Cricket Manager
Telephone 61 8 9956 2187
Mobile 0429 107 963
Email: tia.hatch@wacricket.com.au
Website www.waca.com.au

WA Football Commission

Grady Tomelty
Regional Development Manager — Midwest
Telephone 61 8 9956 2183
Mobile 0439 674 378
Website www.wafc.com.au
Email gtomelty@wafc.com.au

West Coast Eagles Football Club

Brendon Daily
Regional  North Lead/Youth Engagement Coordinator — Midwest
Mobile 0475 807 736
Email brendond@wce.com.au

Gary Clark Room calendar

To book the Gary Clark Room please contact midwest@dlgsc.wa.gov.au or 61 8 9956 2100.

Page reviewed 15 July 2024